Equipment List
The following list is the minimum required equipment for participating in the CHILL league.
- HECC Certified Helmet with full cage or shield
- Mouthpiece
- Hockeyelbow pads
- Hockey gloves
- Protective hard shell cup
- Hockey shin guards
- In-line skates without a brake
- Hockey stick
- Hockey girdle or hip pads (not required,but recommended in SPHL or ECHL divisions)
- Hockey shoulder pads or padded shirt (not required,but recommended in SPHL or ECHL divisions)
- In-line hockey pants to cover all lower extremity equipment. Ice hockey socks are not pants, and will not be permitted for games.
The following information was found on websites from hockey equipment distributors and can serve as a guide for properly selecting equipment for your player.
1. HECC approved Helmet with face cage
A hockey helmet should fit snug to prevent any shifting and maximize protection. You should also look for equipment that feels comfortable. Although most helmets are lined with protective foam, some helmets feel better than others. Each manufacturers sizing chart can be found on their individual websites, or many of the hockey distributors have sizing charts based on circumference of the head or hat size. The helmet should rest on the head so that the rim is one finger width above the eyebrow and making contact with the top of the head.
2. Mouthpiece
Mouthpieces come in 2 sizes Adult and Youth. They range from $3 to $45 and will have more forming capabilities and protection the greater the price. There are also mouthguards specifically for players with braces. All mouthguards must have a strap to attach it to the cage of the helmet.
3. Hockey Elbow Pads
Elbow pads should fit snug enough to stay in place without being too tight to restrict your mobility. Elbow pads are velcro adjustable so find a pair that feel comfortable on your arm and make the necessary adjustments to the velcro straps. Properly fitting elbow pads should cover from where the shoulder pads stop, to the cuff of your glove. Some manufacturers classify their elbow pads based on inches and some just by size (small, medium and large).
4. Hockey Gloves
Gloves have many variables based on your players ability. Short cuff or long cuff can allow for more mobility or more protection. Glove length should be determined by measuring the distance between the base of your fingers and your elbow. That in inches should be the proper size glove.
5. Hockey Girdle
The hockey girdle serves as hip and tail bone protection. There is a difference between ice hockey and roller hockey girdles. Roller hockey girdles are more form fitting and streamline. Ice hockey pants or girdle are more bulky and loose. Ice hockey pants are not designed to go under roller hockey pants, so please specify you are looking for a roller hockey girdle. All manufacturers have different sizing charts and are usually based on the waist in inches. Some manufacturers offer 2 sizes (Senior and Junior) while others offer 3 sizes (Senior, Junior and Youth).
6. Protective Hard Shell Cup
Choosing the correct size is crucial to the athletic cup providing proper protection. An athletic cup must fit comfortably and sizing is vital for maximum comfort. Athletic cup sizes are directly proportional to body mass, and as such can easily be determined. Athletic cups are divided into 3 categories, Men, Youth and Boys. Female pelvic protection is also available and come in Women's and Girls sizing.
7. Hockey Shin Pads
To properly fit shin pads, it is best to have the player sitting. Measure from the center of the kneecap to the top of the skate boot. Match the player’s shin size to the inches of shinguard. Shinguards that are either too long or too short will result in the knee or instep being exposed and unprotected. Shinguard flaps should wrap around the calf. Shinguards should be secured with shinguard straps or tape, never tight hockey stockings.
8. Shoulder pads or padded shirt
A good shoulder pad will provide protection in all areas including the collar bone, ribs, sternum, chest, back, and biceps. A good fit is essential for the prevention of injury. The chest measurement should be taken from just below the arm pits around the chest. Match the player's chest size to the shoulder pad that corresponds. Also take into consideration the level of play. Shoulder pads should fit snugly while the vital tips of the shoulder must be properly under the shoulder caps. The bicep pads should not interfere with the player’s elbow pads. A padded shirt may be worn in lieu of shoulder pads for beginner players.
9. Inline Skates
Please see measurement chart at the bottom of this page for sizing.
9A. Wheels: wheels are defined by two attributes - diameter and durometer. Diameter is the size and durometer is the hardness. Durometer ranges from 73A to 88A with 73A being the softest. For our surface in its current condition, the softer the wheel, the better the traction. Although using a softer wheel on our rink is the best for grip and traction, it will also cause the wheels to wear faster on rougher surfaces like driveway concrete or asphalt. Recommended durometer range for CHILL rink is 73A-78A.
10. Hockey Stick
The stick is the second most important piece of equipment. Sticks come as single units or separate shaft and blade combinations. Sticks also come in Senior and Junior sizes. Most players under the age of 14 and under 110 lbs should use a junior stick for maximum control, feel and flex. When adjusting the length of the stick, players should be on their skates and with the stick blade toe resting on the ground, the end of the stick should be cut to length approximately between the players forehead and chin. A stick that is too long or too short can result in improper skating technique. Ideally, beginners should have the end of the stick equal to their nose height when on skates.
How to Determine Hockey Stick Handedness
The first question you'll probably ask yourself when you first consider playing hockey is, "Should I shoot left or right handed?" The answer is… probably left handed. Why? Approximately 90% of the world population is right handed and most likely you are too. If you are left handed, just flip everything in this article around. There’s some debate over the subject of choosing which way to hold a hockey stick, but we’ll cover as many angles as possible so you can make an informed decision for yourself.
Dominant hand on top
Why would you want your stronger, more coordinated hand on top, you ask? Your top hand is the one that “anchors” and stabilizes your stick as your puck handling, shooting and passing, skills that require excellent coordination and control. Yes, it would seem advantageous to have your strong hand on the bottom so you could use it to generate more shot power. But even if you could add 10 mph to your shot, hypothetically speaking, would it be worth it if it was at the expense of your shot accuracy and puck control skills? Nope.
Let’s assume for a moment that the dominant hand on the bottom actually creates a more powerful shot, since that seems to be a popular argument, regardless of its validity. As previously stated, the top hand is the anchor hand that stabilizes the stick as the bottom hand initiates maneuvers. So with that in mind, consider the difficult challenge of training your sub-dominant hand to become as coordinated as your dominant hand. Have you ever tried writing with your sub-dominant hand? Probably pretty sloppy, right?
The point is that it’s much more difficult to improve coordination than it is to build strength. So use your most coordinated hand in the position where the greatest amount of coordination is required – on top. And strengthen your bottom hand and arm in order to increase your shot power.
The Broom Stick Test
There’s a simple test that can be done in order to factor in the “natural”, hockey-stick-holding tendencies of a beginner hockey player. Keep in mind, this is not a fool proof test and it’s only to be used as a secondary guideline for determining your handedness. Pick up a kitchen broom and start sweeping. Most likely your hands will be facing opposite directions. This isn’t the way you hold a hockey stick, but nonetheless the end goal is still accomplished. If you’re right hand dominant, most likely your right hand will be at the top of the broom stick and your left hand will be in the middle. Whatever the case, you should most likely hold the hockey stick the same way you hold the broom.

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